
Servicing all major outboard engines in the local area since 1993, Big Boys Play Toys will repair your rig to factory specs and test your outboard on the St. Johns River to ensure the job was done right the first time. 

We keep our technicians trained on the latest engines and boat equipment on the market today; and we specialize in building custom boat rigs to meet the needs of our customers.

Call today to set up a appointment to service your rig!

PH. 386-328-4510


5000 SQ. FT. service building with fenced in service drop off area for the best security of your boat rig. Entire shop is covered by Camera's to protect your boat.


  Honda Outboard Warranty.

Level 2 Service Most Outboards
Big Boys Play Toys Inc.
272 S US Hwy 17
East Palatka, FL

Service Description

LEVEL TWO SERVICE (200 HOUR) is performed by one of our Certified Marine Technicians. The following items are (C) checked, (I) inspected, or (R) replaced. We follow the manufactures maintenance schedules and our shop knowledge.

o    R) Change engine oil and filter with genuine Honda Marine Engine Oil and Filter.

o    R) Change lower unit Gear Oil with Genuine Honda Marine Oil and inspect the drain gaskets.

o    I) Remove and inspect spark plugs and grease threads for future removal.

o    I) Grease all points on the engine.

o    I) Remove the propeller and check prop shaft seals, grease shaft and install fresh cotter pin.

o    R) Install new vacuum fuel filter (low pressure).

o    R) Install new fuel water separator in the Boat if equipped. (Racor brand may cost  more).

o    I) Inspect battery date, condition and the battery connections.***

o    C) Check engine mounting bolts for torque.

o    C) Check water indicator and water discharge during test run.

o    C) Check Trim and tilt fluid and operation.

o    I) Inspect all engine Zincs.

o    C) Check shift and throttle linkage and make needed adjustments.

o    I) Inspect steering connections Grease or add fluid to helm if needed.

o    I) Inspect and adjust tire pressure on the boat trailer while in the shop.

o    R) Remove lower unit and change Water pump impeller.

o    I) Inspect belt tension and condition.

o    I) Inspect the thermostats and replace as needed. Install new gaskets as needed.***

o    I) Inspect VST and drain on fuel injection.

o    R) Replace the high pressure fuel filter on fuel injection models.

o    I) Remove side covers, clean and wash the engine. Spray down with protectant.

o    C) Honda Diagnostic System (HDS) hook up and print out of engine sensors.

***Technician or service writer will call the customer with problems found during the inspection process and discuss pricing of repairs. The customer will have to authorize any work over and above the items listed above.


*Prices do not includes shop supplies, waste fees, and sales taxes!!!